Synopsis: Two 20-year-old women called Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu meet for the first time on a bullet train to Tokyo. Like the two hit singles, which were released in 19 respectively, this love story starring Hikari Mitsushima and Takeru Satoh is a wistful, heart-tugging saga spanning three decades from the late 90s to now. Overview: We’re used to seeing new shows and movies that have come from popular books or manga, but this new Netflix original series is unique in that it’s inspired by two songs – ‘First Love’ and ‘Hatsukoi’ – from Japanese pop icon Hikaru Utada. As Yae and Harumichi think about where to go next in life, they can’t help but look back on their first relationship with each other when they were young, naive and full of aspirations. Yae’s plans for a career as a jet-setting flight attendant get upturned after she suffers an accident and Harumichi, who grew up wanting to be a pilot, ends up quitting his job in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force to pursue a different path.
Fast forward a few years and these once bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ‘90s kids have grown into full-fledged adults whose lives are a little different from the ones they imagined having. Synopsis: As teenagers, Yae Noguchi and Harumichi Namiki would avidly talk to each other about their dreams and plans for the future.